Toyota Type can be used for Brand Campaigns and the Messaging Platform.
Toyota Type is our own distinctive font. It’s approachable, human, yet contemporary. Utilising Toyota Type throughout our communications will ensure consistency and recognition across all touchpoints.

Toyota Type
Primary font weights
There are four preferred and two optional weights for use within the Toyota Type family. Each weight includes uprights and italics. The selected and acceptable weights are Book, Regular, Semibold and Bold. While additional weights are available within the Toyota Type family, these are the only four that should be used unless a specific case otherwise demands.
Secondary font weights
The optional Toyota Type weights are Light and Black. These may be used when appropriate. Light should be used in instances where the communications are focused on enhanced technology, precision or the weight feels appropriate for the intended message.
Black should be used in instances where stance and presence need to be reinforced, or the weight feels appropriate for the intended message.
Below are guidelines for font weight, leading, kerning and alignment when using uppercase headlines.
1. Headlines
2. Subheads
3. Body Copy
Below are guidelines for font weight, leading and paragraph spacing for body copy.